Top Producing Columbus Real Estate Agent


“Creating integral client relationships is our number one priority in real estate.”

Passion. Integrity. Authenticity. Commitment.

“My passion for real estate comes from a feeling I get when I walk into a home for the first time. To be inspired by the design, architecture, build quality ... the experience of being in that space. I get that same passionate feeling when I'm able to help people whether they're buying or selling. I can see it when their eyes light up – that they've found their piece of heaven – and I'm able to help them transition from one chapter in their life to the next.”


Putting Clients First...

What sets a business apart in this day and age is a dedication to interacting on a personal level with those whom we are engaging in a working relationship. That feeling of personal engagement and responsibility is how Wayne Woods exceeds expectations with each client he encounters on a daily basis.

This unique gift of putting clients first helps not only his clients achieve their real goals whether that is buying or selling a home or creating confidence through investing in the Columbus real estate market, but also allows him to create a sustainable and long-term dialogue with each home buyer and seller he works with.

Work With Us

Armed with a passion for helping others and a dedication to creating a thriving and sustainable community in the Columbus area, our philosophy has always been to practice passion, integrity, authenticity, and commitment in our interaction with clients and the relationships that result from it.